
Blobbers are people, organisations or companies who publicly announce that they support various aspect of the Treaty which are unsubstantiated by facts.  Examples are "honouring the Treaty", or  supporting "the principles of the Treaty" or "co-governance".  None of those concepts or slogans has any basis in fact .  Ask a Blobber what "the principles of the Treaty" are, or to define "co-governance. 

The origin of the expression Blob can be found here:

The facts are quite clear.  Both the Court of Appeal (at that time the highest court in the land) and the Waitangi Tribunal have both stated that sovereignty was lawfully asserted by Captain Hobson in 1840 by proclamation subsequent to the signing of the Treaty, and has been exercised by the Crown since that date.  That sovereignty is absolute and does not allow for partnership or co-governance (whatever they mean).

The motivation of Bloggers may not be sinister and they may believe that they are exercising their democratic right to free speech. They may not understand that the slogans they are endorsing have no foundation in fact or law, and that they are undermining the democratic principles of our nation.

However, by promoting misinformation about the Treaty and supporting principles that undermine the democratic principles on which the constitution of New Zealand is based, they become part of "the Blob".  

The strategy of the Blob is to change our constitution from one person one vote, to introduce racial preference into decision-making, to change the names of our country and towns, and to compel us to learn te reo.  All of this is to be achieved by pressure from the Blob, with any resistance branded publicly as "racist" so that any resistance is eventually suppressed and the new order succeeds the old.

The Blob acts like a Fifth Column. That is a group of people who undermine our nation from within,  They can act openly or covertly and use disinformation, threats and eventually violence to quell resistance. 

The Blob in New Zealand also include most of the main stream media, the government, and many organisations and people. 

Those organisations that supported the open letter to the government (referred to on the Blob page) acknowledged "the severe and ongoing injustices of colonisation" and encouraged the government to meet its UNDRIP obligations are shown below.

The organisations and individuals who supported the open letter are listed by name below:

ActionStation Aotearoa
Amnesty International Aotearoa New Zealand
Inclusive Aotearoa Collective Tāhono
Tauiwi Tautoko
350 Aotearoa
Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Social Workers / Te Rōpū Tauwhiro i Aotearoa
Asylum Seekers Support Trust
Auckland Action Against Poverty
Barbarian Productions
Center for Culture-Centered Approach to Research & Evaluation (CARE)
Child Poverty Action Group
Citizen Advice Bureau
Climate Karanga Marlborough
Coal Action Network Aotearoa
Community Networks Aotearoa / Te Hapori Tuhononga o Aotearoa
Free Store Wellington
Generation Zero
Greenpeace Aotearoa
Howard League
Human Rights Foundation
Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand
Multicultural Nelson
Network Waitangi Ōtautahi
NZEI Te Riu Roa
New Zealand Psychological Society / Rōpū Mātai Hinengaro o Aotearoa
New Zealand Speech-language Therapists’ Association / Te Kāhui Kaiwhakatikatika Reo Kōrero o Aotearoa
Ora Taiao: NZ Climate and Health Council
Oxfam Aotearoa
Parents for Climate Aotearoa
Peace Movement Aotearoa
PEN International
People Against Prisons Aotearoa
Physiotherapy NZ / Kōmiri Aotearoa
Podiatry NZ
Poverty Action Waikato
Protect Our Winters NZ
Public Health Association of New Zealand / Kāhui Hauora Tūmatanui
Tangata Tiriti — Treaty People
Te Kuaka — New Zealand Alternative
Te Muka Rau
Te Rau Ora
Te Reo o Ngā Tāngata
Te Waka Hourua
Tertiary Education Union / Te Hautū Kahurangi
The Aunties
The Basket Hauraki
The New Zealand Speech Language Therapists Association
Treaty Action Collective
Unite Union
Volunteering New Zealand
VOYCE Whakarongo Mai
Wesley Community Action
Jane Kelsey
Dr Heather Came
Sue Bradford
David Williams
Catherine Delahunty
Tim Howard
Seán Manning
Lynne Holdem
Catriona Cairns
Ros Noonan

New Blobbers

"Hoyts is committed to upholding the principles of the treaty of Waitangi" 

David Fisher, James Pocock and the New Zealand Herald
"Batchelor’s meetings across the country have presented racist tropes and factually incorrect claims about co-governance,"
NZ Herald 31 July 2023
